On to my day: I have no class on Wednesday because of Thanksgiving break, so all of my classes doubled up on work to make up for losing a day. My last two classes are Spanish and math, in that order. I had a 70 minute composition in Spanish then blearily listened to my math professor attempt to describe the process of scheduling (why yes, I am numerically challenged) for 75 minutes before shuffling down several floors toward
At this point, it's 6:30 PM. I'm in northern Indiana, which means that it's also dark as hell outside - and because I attend a community branch of a larger uni, the faculty's a bit lax with the maintenance. I walk outside, down the stairs and into the dark before really stopping to think about the fact that my cell phone is still in my bag and I now I have to walk through the unlit alley and around the building to get to my car. I'm in the process of turning around and walking back up the stairs when I hear a female voice shrieking into the night. I managed to smother my yelp, and overheard this gem of an argument (please note that the male was speaking much more quietly than the female, so I didn't catch the end):
Female: I don't care! Don't fucking say that shit to me - don't ever say that shit to me!
Male: You're childish right now - seriously? You're really mad about that? That is what has you upset right now?
F: You don't understand! Saying 'fuck you' is worse than saying nothing at all - it's like saying you don't even give a fuck anymore! If you don't care, why am I even here?
M: Really? Really? 'Why am I here?'
F: I'm so sick of this shit! I'm sick of always moving. I miss my family, and I fucking hate schools. Why do we always end up in a school?
M: There are more people in schools than in other places ... it's easier here. I know you [and here his voice gets softer and too low to hear].
That's it. Hah, I can feel my one subscriber dropping as I type (sorry love!). It was just interesting to me - I've clearly been reading too many blogs, yeah? They were probably pickpockets or something. I didn't go back up the stairs, btw - once I heard the argument, I just tried to make my way quietly down to the street. I never actually saw the people fighting - it sounded like they were sitting outside the door (excellent observational skills on my part, I'm clearly CIA material).
Oh, hey! Fellow bloggers/lurkers, hey! So I'm addicted to the album "Vespers of 1610 (Martin Pearlman / Boston Baroque)" - the composer is Claudio Monteverdi. It's ... IDK, chamber/choir music? I fail so hard at genres. If anyone listens to this kind of music, though, please leave recommendations for further listening!
Okay. That's pretty much it, and I'll stop spamming my blog now.
After all this slenderbloglurking I do
All I can think of is
"runners runners runners runners runners"
I KNOW! That's the first thing that I thought of too (after I got my distressed squeaking under control, of course). I'm clearly spending waaay too much time lurking slenderblogs haha.
I do find it particularly more romantic to imagine those two as wanted criminals.
Runners are so boring.
LOL, I think runners are fairly interesting (until they get mad and just spam caps at everyone, anyway), however I agree that it's more romantic to think of them as criminals instead. It's not even that unlikely - I don't live in a fantastic area! So, yes - criminals it is! ;)
I think the likely hood that they are runners is higher than you think. There were two recently who went through Indiana recently that fit the description you provided. Not saying it was them though.
Well, shit. I now feel kind of bad for eavesdropping on their conversation lol. I have no idea what I would have done even if I'd definitively known they were runners, though - I'd hate to "butt in" where I'm not wanted, you know?
If they were runners, I hope they're okay.
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