Sunday, November 28, 2010 | By: Mali

"True! nervous, very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am;"

"But why WILL you say that I am mad?" ~ Edgar Allan Poe

I'm going crazy with nerves. I have so much due this week: Psych1 test, Spanish quiz and math project due Monday, Spanish oral interview (it's like an oral final exam) on Tuesday, Psych2 test, Psych 1 final paper and math quiz on Wednesday. I should have been working on this stuff much more than I actually did this weekend. Instead, I bemoaned my health (headache's back!), whined at work and slept. Awesome.

I hope you're all doing well. It feels like I was away for so much longer than a day or two!

I was right about the crazy people taking shelter in the library, by the way. On Friday night I encountered a ridiculous amount of creepy old men, including one who took the time to stop me from cleanup to tell me to "have a good night, sweet girl." I know that shouldn't seem creepy, but it really was. I was like "yeahokbye" as I fled the area lol. On a lighter subject, I was talking with a coworker about a fiction book on the topic of zombies in our area: as I'm trying to find the book for her, she asks me "Is it in fiction or local history?" Uhm ... LOL. Well not local history, otherwise we'd probably all be dead, yeah? I don't know if any of you will find that amusing, but I laughed for quite awhile haha. I'm very easily amused, I'm sure this isn't a surprise.

Blah, this is such a boring post! I'm sorry. I'm really dragging - it must be time to make more coffee. :)

Have a good night!

Update: Okay, I'm a bit peppier now that I've downed copious amounts of coffee. Am I the only one who drinks the stuff like it's water? I think it is more of a comfort drink to me than anything - I tend to put lots of milk and cream in it, although I can drink it black when I really need the extra buzz.

While I'm here and somewhat coherent, I think I'll post about some of my thoughts regarding blogs (because I'm that bored). It's an odd situation, to find yourself reading intimate details about someone's life and still be so far removed from the situation. Am I the only one who tends to relate more to some bloggers than others? Sometimes I read posts and just assume it's the product of an overactive but uninspired imagination, while there are other writers I seem to immediately identify with. This probably makes me sound like a terrible snob, and I really don't know that I have a point. I'm just rambling - giddy to not be studying Spanish and reluctant to return to my studies.

I think it's interesting to see just how much information someone is willing to hand out online, regardless of their situation. I wonder if all of this "openness" doesn't increase the bad situations we find ourselves in.

Well, this is a cheery post. I'm sure my 3 (!) followers are glad that I've posted it ;) Sorry, loves. I might be on the verge of a "low" cycle, we'll have to see how this week plays out. If anyone's curious about the quotes, they mean nothing - I just suck at titles.


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